Zombies! Aliens! ... Science? Can we use science to explain how a zombie actually thinks? What about to determine whether extraterrestrial life is really out there? Find out with talks from neuroscientist / zombie expert Brad Voytek and out-of-this-world scientist Shelley Wright!
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Brad Voytek
The Neuroscience of Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
With their endless wandering, lumbering gait, insatiable hunger, antisocial behavior, and apparently memory-less existence, zombies are the walking nightmares of our deepest fears. What do these behaviors reveal about the inner workings of the zombie mind? By combining tongue-in-cheek analysis with modern neuroscientific principles, Dr. Voytek shows how zombism can be understood via modern neuroscience.
Shelley Wright
Advancing the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
How common is life in the universe? Is there other intelligent life? For over 50 years, astronomers have been conducting the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). These searches have primarily been focused at radio wavelengths, but in the last decade astronomers are thinking of new ways to search for extraterrestrial communication. I will give an overview of humanity's quest in finding extraterrestrial intelligence, as well as future methods and programs that are on the horizon.