You always forgot where you put your belongings? At what time is your bus? But is it your fault? Come and discover how your brain learns and forget stuff.
You think you're cool? But have you heard about plants breathing?
Information about the talks:
Understand learning & memory by "SUSHI MODEL"
Dr. Vinita Bharat
Postdoc at Stanford
In this talk, i would be covering questions like Is our brain "plastic"? IF it is, then how does it work? How do we learn & forget stuff ? How are bags of information carried long distance in brain?How and when do these bags reach to their release sites in a cell? I would like to give you a roadmap of cargoes trafficking in neuron which will help us understand learning and memory attributes of brain.
How land plants learned to "breathe"
Dr. Michael Raissig
Postdoc at Stanford University
"I thought I'm cool until I figured that plants eat sunlight and poop oxygen" read a viral tweet. Plants have the amazing capability to turn sunlight and carbon dioxide into the sugars we eat and oxygen we breathe. Land plants evolved adjustable, cellular valves on their leaf surfaces to allow for carbon dioxide uptake while restricting water loss through transpiration. Rice, corn, wheat and other grasses strongly improved their "breathing" efficiency by improving the form of their valves.