Come and learn some facts about climate change from the expert- Katharine Mach. See a live demo of how climate change is affecting marine life by Lorraine Ling.
Climate change 2017 – the risks and the options
Katharine Mach
Senior Research Scientist at Stanford University, Director of Stanford Environment Assessment Facility
Over decades, assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and many others has bolstered understanding of the climate problem: unequivocal warming, pervasive impacts, and serious risks from continued high emissions of heat-trapping gases. Societies are increasingly responding with early efforts to decarbonize energy systems and prepare for impacts. I'll recap the current state of knowledge and action.
Solving the energy and climate change challenge with earth, wind and fire
Jennifer Milne
Energy Assessment Analyst at the Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford
Our fossil fuel heavy energy system and industrialized agriculture contribute vast amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere every year. What technology options do we have for reducing this? What are the challenges we need to overcome to realize a carbon free energy system? I will talk about some of the challenges and how science is addressing these today. Earth, wind and fire will be the main act.